Fairview Porches


Fairview Porches

I wanted to take time this month to share with you, some of the wonderful outdoor spaces we have at Fairview.  Each week I will be featuring one of these spaces.

  This week It is the Memory Care gazebo.  This porch is one my favorite quiet places at Fairview.  It was part of our original renovation of the home.  It started out as part of our front porch, but due to one of our changes along the way, it has become a secluded oasis.  It can be accessed through the back gate near the playhouse, from the doors in the memory dining room, or from the door in the west hall sitting room.  All of these doors require a pass key.  If you do not have a pass key, please ask staff to provide you access, and visit this area whenever you like.  It can also be reserved for a quiet lunch with a resident and family.

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